Friends of Shalfleet Church
Keeping our beautiful Grade 1 listed church safe for future generations does not come cheap. The costs of maintaining this ancient building are enormous, and we rely on the generosity of those in the village and surrounding area to keep it safe from the ravages of weather and age. Whether you come to church one a year, every Sunday, or never, please consider supporting our beautiful church which has stood at the centre of our village life for very nearly a thousand years.
For this reason, we have created a support group, the Friends of Shalfleet Church, to bring together the expertise and enthusiasm of the parish to help keep this ancient building safe for generations to come.
The aims of the Friends group are fourfold:
- To encourage local residents and the wider community to subscribe to the Friends Group. The annual subscription of £15 for individual members and £20 for a family will be used to help pay for maintenance tasks in in the building and churchyard.
- To establish a mailing list of people who may be available to enjoy occasional working parties to assist in routine maintenance tasks.
- To publish a regular newsletter outlining the work being carried out at the church and to publicise events that may be of interest to members.
- To encourage local schools and other young people’s organisations to visit the site and learn about our heritage and environment.
If you would like further information or would like to support the Friends of Shalfleet Church group, please fill in the application form Friends application form and return it to Rhod Powell by post or email (details below). Members will receive a small badge to commemorate their joining the group.
You can donate by sending a cheque made payable to Shalfleet Church Fabric Fund, or by setting up a standing order. Our bank details are:
Sort code: 30-95-99
A/c: 01727101
Please contact the Treasure, Rhod Powell, if you would like any help with organising this. And thank you, in advance, for your support.
Rhod Powell
1 Mill Road
PO30 4NE