Welcome to the website of Shalfleet church, St Michael the Archangel, situated in the small village of Shalfleet, four miles east of the beautiful harbour town of Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight.

People have been worshiping at Shalfleet church since the 12th century, and on the site for many hundreds of years before that. The church still stands at the heart of the village, opposite the pub and next to the village hall and the little green where the village fete takes place.

Shalfleet is currently in a cluster of 9 parish churches in the West Wight looked after by a Rector, Rev Jackie Maw. We hold services that follow the Book of Common Prayer, and are proud members of the Prayer Book Society. Our services of Morning Prayer (Mattins) take place on the 2nd Sunday in each month, with Holy Communion on the 4th Sunday of each month. Where there is a 5th Sunday in the month, this is generally a Benefice Service, either at Shalfleet or elsewhere in the Benefice.

Following a period of review, the churches in the West Wight are planning a reorganisation which will take us back to the smaller ‘clusters’ that we were in some years ago, and we will be joining up with our friends at Calbourne, Newtown and Thorley. Watch this space for further developments.

To help us with our restoration programme, we hold events and competitions, and have a separate charity, the Shalfleet Church Fabric Trust, which helps with funding this work and with general maintenance of the churchyard. Please sign up to our newsletter (see below) to keep informed of these activities.

Finally, our safeguarding officer is Christine Robbins who may be contacted through this website or by emailing . We have adopted the House of Bishop’s Promoting a Safer Church policy, and other sources of help outside the church may be found here.

Latest News

Ride and Stride 2024

September 19, 2024

Well, that year came round quickly! There I was, minding my own business, when the annual call to arms came round for Ride and Stride. Friends and relations dived for cover, but my niece’s boyfriend Jon couldn’t come up with an excuse quickly enough, and so agreed to join me. We had a slightly comic […]

Scouts on high

August 19, 2024

We were delighted on 28th July to welcome back to Shalfleet a Scout troop from Brockham in the Mole Valley area of Surrey. The troop travelled over to the Island in their distinctive red double decker bus, and attended our service in church, led by Rev Mark. The Brockham scouts have visited St Michael’s a […]

Shalfleet Church

The Team

The PCC and Church team

Shalfleet Church

Church Services

Church Services at Shalfleet

Shalfleet Church

About Shalfleet Church

The History of Shalfleet Church

Shalfleet Church


What's happening at Shalfleet